Board Meeting Minutes
Location: Interpretive Centre
Date: July 13, 2010
Present were: Chamber of Commerce representative Cyril ( Cy) Sukare, Hanne McKay, Councillor Ken Jamieson, Tom Brighouse (acting secretary), Dr Ed Dahl, and Gary Lomax (president).
The board received the minutes of June 15 as circulated.
The treasurer being away, there was no treasurer's report. Tom reported that in September we can expect to know whether our grant application to the Shuswap Community Foundation has been successful .
Membership. Cy volunteered to send out to all Chamber of Commerce members a request for membership and Tom will word a letterto all previous corporate members. Ivan, our student staffer, will arrange for these to be mailed.
Birds. The area east of the wharf seems to have a fair number of grebes seeking or using nesting sites. Subsequent to the meeting Ed and Monica Dahl reported seeing about thirty young already with probably more to come. Over the years, sixty young seem to have been an average except for five "big" years. Up to sixteen American White Pelicans have been seen with four staying for a longer period.
The number of Bald Eagles (four active nests on the De mille's property) is high as is the use of almost all the osprey nests by ospreys (not geese).
Security. Cy led a discussion on the various approaches to securing the Interpretive Centre.
Tom reported that the birding programme he had bought for the Interpretive Centre was not compatible with our donated (rather old) computer.
Gary reported on the trail work party and thanked the volunteers who worked so hard.
Gary reported on plans to put the new outhouse building in place, painted and roofed, on Friday 16. (This was accomplished with great work from our president and aided by Ed Dahl and the City of Salmon Arm crew, who both pumped out the toilet and used their crane to remove the old structure and position the new one (provided courtesy the Ministry of Environment)).
The student employee will ensure toilet paper is in place.
Much discussion took place regarding placement of buoys. Donations of concrete anchors will be sought and a work party on July 22 was set using one or other of Doug and Hanne McKay's water craft.
The next meeting will be on the second Wednesday in September, September 8 at 7:30 in the interpretive Centre. There will be no August meeting.
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